Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Flottero - Broken Heart

ini Liriknya .
yang uda donLod Lagunya ,
bisa ikutan nyanyi deh .

kaLo beLom,,
donLod aja di ....


just apoLogize it's not enough for me .
coz what you did to me ,
it's reaLLy hurt badLy.

you are so insane ,
you're making Love with him .
you make me feeL so down ,
and feeL Like just a Loser .

so go now . . .
far away . . .
Leave me now .
you don't mean anything for me .

Reff :
this is the best damn things for us .
coz i don't need you ,
don't need you ,
though need to me .
 i hope you crush and burn and faLLing down to heLL .

it takes me aLL that night ,
bLame me not in your side .
my mine was keep in fight  ,
between whose wrong n right .

you know it's kind of hard ,
Let Love goes someone heart .
but Look at you sweetheart ,
you make me brokenheart .

so go now . . .
far away . . .
Leave me now .
you don't mean anything for me .

there's no chance again with me .
you keep on dreaming ,
keep on dreaming ,
keep it shut your mouth .
don't you reaLize that i hate you so much .

thank's for having ,
thank's for needing ,
thank's for Loving me.
thank's for nothing ,
thank's for aLL your dreams .


Lagu ini,,
 di track-nya tu di record pas Flottero
masih b'nama Balance Shits .

 Lagu ini,,
yang Qta kirim buat audisi Sripo Indie Wanted .
*dan masuk finaL .
moga aja,,
Qta bisa nampiLin yang t'baik pas Live performance
di Grand FinaL hari Minggu 28 Maret 2010 nanti .
Lagu ini,,
juga bisa di reQuest di 
Radio Momea Palembang ,
Radio Pro2 Palembang . 


Anonymous said...

ada yang salah teksnya,,,
"between whose wrong n right"

Unknown said...

Moga sukses yak!
Go Flottero! ^^

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